How often do you look at a photo on Instagram of a dreamy location somewhere far away, wishing you were there? And then there are photos of travelers who seem to tick off every place on your bucket list, while you’re sitting at work wondering how they do it! How does one become a fulltime nomad? Is it as romantic as it appears? In this new series called The Vagabonds, we speak with our favorite travel addicts to know more about what got them traveling, what goes into being a year-round wanderer, and lot more so that you can find inspiration in their journeys to step out and fulfill your travel goals.

As a child Parnashree Devi would sit glued to the TV watching travel shows and dream about roaming the world. Little did she know that, she’d grow up to become a full-time traveler and even be part of a travel series on MTV! Before becoming India’s leading travel blogger, Parnashree worked as photo editor, traveling the world visually. Until one day, she hit the road and took her first trip to Mukteshwar, never to look back at a desk job again. Her travelogues will you make pack your bags and take a trip around the world. Read on to know her journey!

What made you start your own travel blog?

Initially, I started my own blog to share my travel tales to the world. I didn’t realize at the time though, that it can also inspire a lot of people to come out of their comfort zone to travel the world and explore. Although I started my blog as a passion, it has become my profession now.

What is the first trip you remember taking and how old were you?

My most memorable trip was to Mukteshwar in Uttarakhand in 2008. This trip changed my entire perspective towards travel. I was 25 years old then, and I was convinced to hit the road to see the world.

If you had to visit a place again, which one would you choose?

If I ever want to re-visit one destination, it would be Finland. My trip to this wonderland was a complete fairy-tale affair. Everything about this Nordic country is special. I loved it so much that I don’t mind moving to Finland for a few years, given a choice.

You were part of a popular travel show on MTV? How was the experience?

The travel show with MTV was a game changing experience for me. It contributed immensely to building my personality. After all, I went on a month-long trip with three strangers, covering more than 5,000 kilometers and exploring new places, staying in different hotels and homestays. It was undoubtedly one of the most thrilling and fulfilling experiences I’ve had till date.

Do you think traveling with cameras surrounding you hinders from having a more ‘authentic’ travel experience?

Facing the camera every day was a whole new experience for me. It took a few days for the feeling to sink in completely. But once I was comfortable, it was absolutely fun to be surrounded by the cameras. Who doesn’t want some fame?

What’s the best part about exploring new places as a part of a travel show?

The travel show was more about the journey than the destination. The best part about the show was that I spent each night in a different destination. Sometimes it was exhausting to pack and unpack every day, but the opportunity to experience a plethora of cultures and traditions, enjoying a variety of food, and meeting new people every day was the highlight for me.

Is there a place you’ve been to that left you feeling underwhelmed and why?

Agra is one place I would not like to visit again. I found it very filthy and unwelcoming.

Which country stands high on your bucket list at the moment?

The Middle Eastern countries are high on my wish list now. I’d also like to visit Turkey, Denmark and New Zealand.

Tell us something unexpected but wonderful that happened to you while travelling?

While visiting Lapland (Finland) early this year, I wanted to meet the indigenous people of Finland called Sami. Unfortunately, it was not part of our itinerary. Luckily, I was pleasantly surprised to meet an adorable Sami couple in Lapland who happened to host our stay. Sharing those days with them in midst of a freezing winter, trying out their traditional cuisines, going on a reindeer safari and even getting into their traditional costume, were the highlights of my trip to Finland.

What are some of the biggest illusions people have about travel bloggers?

The biggest illusion people have about travel bloggers is that we (Travel Bloggers) get free trips just by having a blog. Most of them don’t really understand blogging. One has to put in a lot of hard work to be one of the top travel bloggers in India. It demands 24*7 attention; you have to dedicate your entire time to creating content, editing pictures, publishing articles, and promoting it on social media. Behind those picturesque location updates, there is an enormous amount of hard work. So, don’t just judge them as free trips and events.

How has travel changed you as a person?

Travel has changed me a lot. It has definitely made me a humble person. It has enriched my knowledge about different destinations, cultures, traditions, and lifestyles across the globe. I believe that travel teaches you some very important life lessons which you can’t learn otherwise.

What do you think are the reasons for your success as a travel blogger that keeps your followers hooked?

I don’t know the exact reason, but probably the art of storytelling, especially the way I present the stories through pictures. I think it can be the reason why my readers like the blog.

How do you prepare for a trip?

I do a lot of research before I plan my trip. Reading a lot of relevant blogs, articles and also knowing more about the culture and lifestyle of people of the particular place helps me in planning my trip.

What is the one thing that you find most annoying or frustrating (or both!) about planning a trip?

I find packing very annoying. I simply hate it!

What is the one innovation in the trip planning / travel industry you’d like to see or have been waiting for to help you plan easily?

Travel apps are the best innovations, they help immensely to plan your travel to any destination in the world.

How much time do you spend on planning a trip? Do you plan out all details or are you a spontaneous traveler? Why?

Whenever I plan my personal trip, I plan all the details by myself. Otherwise, my sponsored trips are well planned by the host. Although, I do my research before I head out.

Do you have a good travel planning tip you would like to share with us?

I always recommend doing a thorough research about the destination. It helps you to plan your own itinerary. The more you research, the more you become aware of the location, geography, history and the lifestyle of your holiday destination.

What determines your next destination – your mood, time of year, company or something else?

For me, it’s always the urge to see a new place, getting to know the cultural landscape and spending a few moments with the natives which determine my next destination.

What is your favorite mode of transport (plane/train/boat/car) and why?

It depends on the destination. But I usually prefer flights and car.

Where do you get your travel inspiration from – books, magazines, blogs, travel shows, travelogues, social media or somewhere else?

It started with Travel Shows, but now-a-days I get a lot of inspiration from travel blogs, magazines and social media updates as well.

What are your suggestions to newbies who are looking at building a career in travel blogging?

If you think that you have a niche in writing and the ability to tell your story to the world, you should start blogging as it’s a free space. Do justice to it by writing regularly. I also advise everyone to read a lot of established Travel Blogs for more ideas and new learning.

Finally, some rapid-fire questions –

Favorite airline? Indigo Airlines (Domestic) and Finn Air (International)

Favorite country? Finland

Favorite city? Delhi

Favorite beach? Any beach in Maldives

Favorite food? Indian

Favorite language? English & Assamese

And one last question, what’s your next travel destination? If you haven’t planned one yet, where would you like to go next?

My next destination is Assam.

Follow her adventures on: Website, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter

Want to follow Parnashree’s advice about researching before travel? Check out our Discover section where you can explore curated destinations and activities based on your mood, company, or preferred season! Travel planning has been easier!

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