Travelling is so expensive.”
“You must be very rich that you can afford travelling so often.”
Many think that you can travel frequently without burning a serious hole in your pocket only if you have unlimited reserves of money. Well, that’s not true because planning your trip wisely can change a lot of things.
Exploring exotic places doesn’t have to cost a fortune specially if you know how to watch your expenses. We notice that many tend to spend an awful lot when it isn’t required at all. This is where the concept of budget travel comes to the fore, especially for those bitten by the travel bug, who often have to bid goodbye to all their plans due to financial constraints. Budget travel can be a fascinating experience through which you can not only see more places but also save a lot of money.
So, here are ‘Top 10 Budget Travel Hacks’ for all the wanderlust chasers out there:
  1. Plan Your Travel and budget

Research about the places you wish to cover and how long you’ll be spending in each city or country. Last-minute flights and accommodation are often far more expensive. Plan your itinerary and your expenses. Book your flights, accommodation and any travel pass required as early as possible, and save on large upfront costs. This helps eliminate unexpected spends.
  1. Plan the trip during the off-season

Travelling to a place when it is not populated by vacationers, i.e. the off-season time, is always a good idea. Not only are the tickets cheaper, but also the accommodations are considerably lower than what it is during the peak season.
Still, if you want to travel during the peak seasons, keep the 1st point in mind. Don’t worry if you are short of money now, you can book on EMI through Mihuru Splitfare with just 25% deposit and pay the rest in installments before your trip starts.
  1.  Track Every Expense

Having the numbers in front of you helps you control and give direction to your spends. Write down what you spend in a little pocket diary. It keeps you focused on your goals and see where you can improvise to stick to our travel budget. Hence, planning is necessary.
  1. Pack Smart and Light

Make a check list and tick them off as you pack. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenditures at your destination. Also, pack only what you need instead of stuffing your bags with unnecessary items. This way, carrying your backpack wherever you go wouldn’t seem tiresome.
  1.  Accommodation

Booking a stay away from the main hub can considerably cut cost. Of course, hotels aren’t the only accommodation options. A great option is to stay at dorms/hostels which are easily available in most cities like Zostel. Nowadays, free and cheap stays through online platforms have also become very common. From Couchsurfing to HomeAway, the options are endless. At all steps, remember to book everything early to save more.
  1.  Food

i.)  Stash some snacks:

A very conscious hack that will go on to save you from sudden hunger pang is to carry snacks with you, like fruits, nuts or even health bars. These will not just pump up your energy but also avoid unnecessary binging along the way. And, if you are hitting the road, avoid anything extravagant and rely on local dhaabas and places where you get freshly cooked food.

ii.)  Explore local and street food:

An economical way to fill your stomach and not spend an exorbitant amount eating meals at pricey hotels is to head to the local eateries. Street food vendors will give you a taste of the cuisine of the place, and it will be a gastronomic experience of a new kind. But if you have a delicate stomach, make sure you carry your medicines.
  1. Carry a reusable water bottle.

It’s good for your wallet and the planet. Carrying a reusable bottle will allow you to save loads of pocket change, specially in destinations out of India. Another bonus is reducing the use of plastic to help the environment.
  1.  Get to know the locals

Nothing is better than hitting it off with local people. It’s a great blessing when it comes to navigating a place. Sometimes, they might suggest some hidden gems that even your research might have skipped, and you never know; you may end up forging a friendship for a lifetime!
  1.  Stick to public transport while travelling locally

Buses are the key to cut short your commuting charges to a significant extent. Most cities and even rural towns in India are well connected by frequent, regular bus lines and steer clear from the exorbitantly-priced taxis. Metros and subways are also a boon in many cities.

  1.  Treasure experiences over material things

Souvenirs are definitely worth collecting but do you need to splurge on overpriced things that probably would adorn your living spaces serve no other purpose? Instead, you could spend that time making memories and experiences that would remain for a lifetime. You can opt of postcards (They never get old) if you really need to send something to your loved ones.
We hope these travel hacks will help you travel light and ease the pressure on your wallet. Don’t wait more, start planning your trip right away!

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