We all must agree that 2020 has surprised quite a lot of us and it hasn’t turned out the way we expected it to be. It was followed by the most unexpected times ever with the world fighting off Coronavirus. The first COVID-19 case was reported in January in India and as of June, there are about 7,20,000 confirmed cases. Yes, the situation is quite severe but there is nothing else that we can do while sitting at home for almost over 100 days. 
In the light of Coronavirus outbreak the only important thing that we need to adhere to and that is keeping us safe is “Social Distancing”.
It’s been almost 3.5 months since we haven’t stepped out of our houses and I understand the situation to be even more difficult for all the travel-savvy folks who had planned to explore a bunch of destinations and add it to their “memories” vault. 
While we can do nothing during the lockdown, we thought of curating a list of safest destinations in India to visit once the lockdown is over. 
Fellow travelers, you can dream about all the places that want to visit or had planned to visit before the lockdown. And we are hoping that we help you dream with the help of this article. While International travel is something which is going to take some time to kick-off but there are some beautiful places which might help you get the anxiety, stress, etc out of your body, if any.


1. Sikkim

Hands down! There isn’t any place that could be better and more beautiful to visit after this pandemic than Sikkim. It is truly a remarkable state, hidden in the lap of Himalayas, and will mesmerize you with its chromatic beauty and charm. From dense forests, rivers, and still lakes to beautiful monasteries, the national park adds up to its vivid attractions which we are sure is a perfect get-away place to visit post lockdown.

2) Madhya Pradesh

It is obviously a very well-known fact that Madhya Pradesh is one of the most underrated states in India. People usually do not prefer to visit and I promise the preferences will change once you are done reading the article. 
What’s wrong with not having any sandy beaches to flaunt your body or mesmerizing mountains to hike, but what it holds is truly magical. It holds inside many wildlife sanctuaries that are worth giving a shot. The state also has a large number of temples, mosques just in case your inner adventurer calls you. 
If you are still not convinced then you can also add Bhimebetka rock shelters to your itinerary. Situated on the outskirts of Bhopal, it holds pre-historic paintings. 
Looks like Madhya Pradesh can be one of the best car trips after lockdown for travelers who prefer less touristy destinations.

3) Meghalaya

If you are looking to spend your time in the isolation with no one around you and you alone exploring, then it is best to plan a trip to the North-Eastern part of India, Meghalaya. 
Meghalaya is a perfect combination of delicious food and festivals, scenic beauties. Not only this but the magnificent architectures and lakes in the capital, Shillong to the root bridges of Cherapunjii to the cleanest village in Aisa. The has it all to feed your travel belly.

4) Spiti

If you are one of those regular travelers who often travel to Ladakh on your Royal Enfields and Harley Davidsons and looking for a new place to steer to then Spiti is the place for you. This is one of the most beautiful towns situated in Himachal Pradesh.
Spiti remains open in the winters and that’s when you realize its true beauty and magic. Surrounded by many monasteries and some being more than 1500 years old, the adventurers would love to even have one glimpse of the snow leopard if they are lucky. 

Are you excited already? We do have to wait for the lockdown to be over. But I hope this thrills you with all the adventures which await in the future. But you can follow our blog because this week we are taking all of you on a virtual tour to one of the best destinations. Stay tuned on all our social media channels for the announcement.

Must read: Countries that are offering to pay you for your Holiday post-lockdown


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