+ Applauds for the Spanish medical staff fighting against the COVID-19, in downtown Ronda product, April 19, 2020August 3, 2021, SPAIN, COVID-19, CovidHeroes, 0 Sometimes words can’t express your feelings but gestures do
+ Appreciation from the health workers (of Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital) after receiving a tribute from local and state police in Santander product, April 19, 2020August 3, 2021, SPAIN, COVID-19, CovidHeroes, 0 The sound of the claps can help elevate the support. And, when kindness is all around they even appreciate...
+ A small ripple created by a good deed can create a tsunami of kindness and love affecting many lives–So pass it on,let it travel… product, August 6, 2020August 1, 2021, SPAIN, CovidHeroes, 0 The medical staff of the hospital got together to applaud the taxi driver for selflessly ferrying Coronavirus patients for...