Anybody who has traveled with children knows that its easier to handle snakes on a plane than keep kids entertained at 30,000 feet. Sounds like an exaggeration? Just ask any parent who has suffered through mid-air tantrums or dealt with meltdowns in security check queues. That doesn’t mean you need to wait for your kids to grow up to travel. Just keep our entertaining hacks handy and you’ll never have to worry about screaming toddlers in a plane. Here’s how you can keep your kids entertained on long flights.

Booking the right flight

How to entertain kids in flights

Before you pack your bag of entertainment, make sure you’re booking a flight with the right airlines. Some airlines are known be more kid friendly. Take for example, Emirates; it offers a special Fly With Me Monster in-flight magazine and also toys, blanks, Sketcher seatbelt critters, storybooks, travel journals, and more. Another airline that’s excellent for kids is Etihad, it has a dedicated fight crew with childcare training who keep children entertained with puppets, face painting, magic tricks and arts and crafts. Checking the perks that different airlines offer should be your first step when traveling with children.

Digital games

How to entertain kids in flights

Let’s face it. All screen time rules are thrown out of the window when you’re on a plane. Just make sure you download your kids’ favorite games (and a few extra in case they get bored!) on your mobile or iPad. While they’re busy playing, you can catch a wink or read!


How to entertain kids in flights

Never ignore the possibility of your kids not liking any of the in-flight movies. It’s best to download some of your child’s favorite movies and a few new ones in advance. Even if they don’t watch it on the flight, you never know when they might save you from a temper tantrum during the course of your trip!


How to entertain kids in flights

Good ol’ books always come to the rescue when boredom strikes. Be careful which books you carry though. For starters, books weigh a lot. You also want to choose interactive books that can keep your child occupied for a long time rather than a couple of minutes.


How to entertain kids in flights

Make sure to load up on snacks. Boredom invariably brings hunger with it. So, bring plenty of snacks but not the sugary types, they are your enemy. The ensuing sugar-rush might get tough to handle.

Card Games

How to entertain kids in flights

Never underestimate the old school charms of Uno or a deck of cards, especially when boredom looms. They’re easy to carry, can be played in 50 different ways and used for magic tricks. The best part? It’ll keep both you and your kid entertained for hours!

Play Doh

How to entertain kids in flights

Crayons and pencils keep falling down and you’ll have to pick them up, each time they fall! That’s why play doh is your friend-in-need. It’s fun and doesn’t make a mess. Another play doh advantage is that it can be divided among multiple kids if you’re traveling with more than one.

Coloring books

How to entertain kids in flights

Yes, crayons and pencils fall down but kids love coloring. So, it’s good to carry them nonetheless. If you don’t want to bring along the entire coloring kit then download a coloring app on ipad. Its just as good!

Sticker Books

How to entertain kids in flights

Let’s be honest, which kid doesn’t love stickers! Buy a few cheap sticker books and let them stick away. It’s a great way to get crafty without creating a big mess. Keep an eye on the kids though, they might get naughty and stick those stickers on the seats or a co-passenger.

And when you have exhausted all these options, play a game of I-Spy! Always high on entertainment value!

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