In the 1960s, Mosiac artist Isaiah Zagar and his wife Julia moved to Philadelphia and ended up giving birth to the city’s artistic renaissance. Inspired by Peruvian folk art, in 1968 the Zagars opened the Eyes Gallery, a folk-art shop on South Street. They soon bought several properties across the city to create mosaicked spaces and public murals. But Zagar began working on his greatest art project, Magic Gardens, only in 1994!

He began by fencing and clearing empty and abandoned lots near his studio. Over the next fourteen years, he cleaned, excavated tunnels and grottos, built multi-layered walls and created colorful mosaicked indoor and outdoor spaces in these abandoned lots. This mosaic genius creatively covered the entire space with myriads of tiles, glass, mirrors and objects he found across the world. Through these installations, Zagar also paid tribute to his artistic influences and important events and experiences of his life. His fourteen years of hard work resulted in one of the most beautiful urban spaces in the world.

In 2002, as property prices in the area soared, the owner of the lots demanded that Zagar buy them for $300,000 or else he will be forced to demolish the installations. Thankfully, Zagar was able to save the project through fundraising, donations and community support, and form a non-profit organization, Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens.

While the Magic Gardens are an inspiration for art lovers and artists, its undulating terraces, levels and tunnels are also perfect for children to explore. There’s even a little maze for kids to get lost into. Most importantly, these gardens teach kids (adults too) that beauty needn’t always be perfect. What we would discard as waste (like broken glass, bottles, tires), can become beautiful art if only you have the vision to see things differently.

Hidden within these installations are several little animals. Ask for the Animal Scavenger Hunt card at the front desk and you and your kids can easily spend a couple of hours looking for these hidden animals.

Family travelers try visiting on the second Sunday of the month when the gardens host the PECO Family Jams. It’s a great kid-friendly initiative that includes art workshops on mask-making, mini mosaics, and printmaking. Best of all, they’re free with admission.

Adults, don’t be disheartened, the gardens have an art workshop for you too, where you can create while sipping on a glass of wine!

Note: The gardens are open to public from Wednesday to Monday, between 11am to 6pm.

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