Puerto Princesa is a beautiful coastal city on Palawan Island in western Philippines. Blessed with pristine beaches, reefs, and ample possibilities for adventure activities, this tropical paradise is touted as Philippines’ Ecotourism Capital. But to see the city’s greatest attraction, you’d have to go underground. Deep under the ground near the city, lies the Puerto Princesa River.

Puerto Princesa is a UNESCO World Heritage listed, world’s largest navigable underground river. In 2012, it was officially selected as one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature.

There are no written records or documents mentioning who discovered this river. It is believed that early inhabitants knew of the river’s existence but didn’t explore it for superstitious reasons. The earliest mentions of the river are found in the works of American Zoologist Dean C. Worcester, who in 1887 wrote, “If accounts are to be believed, of a lake opening to the sea by a subterranean river”. For over millions of years, the river has been flowing through a series of caves directly underneath the St. Paul Mountain Range. While the St. Paul’s Underground River Cave is more than 24km long, the river meanders only through 8.2km inside the cave before eventually meeting the sea.

What’s even more astonishing is that, the river and caves have developed their own unique ecosystem. Look up to find a colony of over 80,000 bats from nine species! Besides the bats, there are more than 800 plant species, 252 bird species, 30 mammal species, and 19 species of reptiles of which 8 are endemic.

paweesit / Flickr

In 2010, a group of environmentalists and geologists discovered the river’s second floor as well as a cave dome above the river, a deep cave, rock formations, more river channels and much more.

Despite the throngs of tourists, exploring this river is an otherworldly experience. Gliding through cavernous caves in a tiny boat with a headlamp as your only guide is nerve wracking yet exhilarating. The echo-ey sounds of birds and water dripping from the ceiling add to its mysterious setting. You can’t help but feel like Indiana Jones.

How to visit the Puerto Princesa Underground River?

Mike Gonzales / Wikicommons

The river is situated near the small town of Sabang, about 40km north of Puerto Princesa. Hop on a boat to the bay, from where the entrance to the underground is just a short walk away. From there, you’ll board a tiny tour boat that’ll take you up to 1.2km into the underground river-cave system. Those with an Indiana Jones spirit wanting to explore more must apply for a special permit in advance.

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