When it comes to past lovers, the folks from a tiny village in Vietnam’s mountainous province of Ha Giang have a rather different approach than the rest of the world. Once a year, with the consent of their spouses, the locals of Khau Vai village get to have a guilt-free rendezvous with their ex lovers. Now this has to be one of the most interesting tourist places in Vietnam.

Vietnam, Vietnam Tour Packages, Love Market  Book flights to Vietnam on EMI without credit card on Mihuru. Book Now, Pay Later!

On the 26th and 27th of the third month of the lunar calendar, this isolated village plays host to the annual ‘Khau Vai Love Market’. The story behind this festival of sorts is much like Romeo Juliet. Legend goes that an ethnic Giay girl fell in love with a boy from the Nung community from a neighboring province. The girl’s tribe refused to let her marry a man from another tribe, leading to a bloody conflict between them. To avoid further bloodshed, the couple decided to amicably part ways thus restoring peace. But they promised to meet once a year on the 27th day of the lunar month in Khau Vai to keep their love alive. Since then, Khau Vai has become a meeting place for ex lovers.

Book flights to Vietnam on EMI without credit card on Mihuru. Book Now, Pay Later! Vietnam, Vietnam Tour Packages, Love Market

Their tradition is carried on even today with lovers from different ethnic groups in the region attending the gathering. But these annual lovers’ tryst is nothing like a short fling that it might seem like. For many, it’s about taking a walk down memory lane, cherishing memories and remembering the ‘good ol’ days’.

Book flights to Vietnam on EMI without credit card on Mihuru. Book Now, Pay Later! Vietnam, Vietnam Tour Packages, Love Market

Obviously, this village fair has changed with modern times. Now, the young reconnect with their exes through SMS and click selfies with them when they meet at this annual fair. Even though exes are just a text message away, the villagers continue to celebrate past love in this one of a kind festival

Book flights to Vietnam on EMI without credit card on Mihuru. Book Now, Pay Later! Vietnam, Vietnam Tour Packages, Love Market

With better roads and connectivity, the fair has become rather popular. Tourists, both domestic and foreign look forward to visiting this unique ex lovers’ meet. It has now transformed into an atmospheric village fair with food stalls, canvas tents, live performances like the ritual of rain-worship of the ethnic Lo Lo people, folk games like shuttlecock, a Ferris wheel and more. Each ethnic tribe comes dressed in their traditional costumes, giving a glimpse into the wonderfully diverse cultures of Vietnam.

Vietnam, Vietnam Tour Packages, Love Market

You don’t have to have any ex-lovers to visit this Love Market. For all you know, somebody’s past love might end up being your new love!

Book flights on EMI without credit card on Mihuru and maybe meet your lost love in Vietnam.


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