If you were to suggest to your friends, “Let’s try Australian food”, it’s quite likely that they’ll look at you puzzled wondering, “What the hell is Australian food”. Well, you can’t blame them. For most people, there’s no such thing as Australian cuisine. And even if it exists, it begins and ends with Vegemite, a spread of yeast extract. And if you’re one of those people who thinks Vegemite is Australia’s national dish, you’ll be more than pleasantly surprised by its very unique food culture. Australian cuisine is a beautiful marriage between its Anglo-Saxon origins and the traditions of its Asian neighbors. When in Australia, make sure to try their quintessential tucker (food in Aussie-speak) that will make you lick your fingers and then come back for some more! Here’s a handy guide on best dishes to try in Australia.


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The origin of Pavlova is a hotly contested debate – is it from Australia or New Zealand? We say, let the debaters debate while you dig into this iconic dessert. The good old pav is a simple yet classy dessert. After all, you can’t go wrong with a crispy from the outside and soft from the inside meringue topped with oodles of whipped cream and fresh fruit. Heaven tastes like Pavlova.

Fish and chip shop dim sim

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In Australia, fish and chip shops sell more than just fish and chips. In fact, their biggest attraction are dim sims! Yes, Australians sell Chinese food in English snack shops. Adapted to Australian taste, this Chinese classic is made by wrapping meat and cabbage in a wonton-like pastry and then steaming or frying them. These guilty pockets of pleasure are irresistible!

Hamburger with the Lot

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There’s no doubt that hamburgers are an American specialty. But Australians have their own version of the much-loved hamburger. Americans will be shocked to know that there’s no mayonnaise or pickle in the Aussie hamburger. Before you scream blasphemy, try the Australian version, you won’t regret it. So, what’s a Hamburger with the Lot? It’s a traditional burger with cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion made different with a slice of beetroot, grilled bacon, a fried egg, a slice of grilled pineapple and then topped with tomato sauce. Now that’s called a mouthful!


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© Zeitgeistlondon / Wikicommons

Lamingtons are traditional, old fashioned and downright delicious Aussie cakes. Named after the former governor of Queensland, lamingtons are essentially cube shaped vanilla sponge cakes dipped in thin chocolate icing and coconut. Some even call it the National Cake of Australia.

Barbecued Snags

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The famed Australian barbecue or barbie as they call it, is incomplete without a grilled snag (sausage). It is made even better when teamed up with a slice of bread, topped with a sauce of your choice and some crispy fried onion. Take it to the next level by pairing it with freshly fried chips. Mouthwatering, isn’t it?

Meat Pies

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A legacy of the Brits, Australians love their meat pies as much as their colonizers. There’s one difference though; Aussies love their pies with a dollop of ketchup. A takeaway favorite, they’re best enjoyed at sporting events.

ANZAC biscuits

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ANZACs are Australia’s patriotic biscuits. These legendary biscuits were created during World War II to send to troops in Europe and the Middle East. The biscuits were made by adding treacle to traditional Scottish oat cake recipe. It’s been 100 years since, and the Australians can’t get enough of the ANZACs; neither can we!

Now you’ve got a foodie reason to visit Australia. Time to pack your bags, no? Don’t forget to carry some loose clothes; with such delicious food, you’re going to need them!

Book flights to Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane on EMI and don’t miss out on the opportunity to try some of the best dishes in Australia.


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