Done and dusted with the touristy havens of South East Asia? So are we. We say it’s time to move beyond the tried and tested Bangkok, Bali, and Langkawi. Though, let’s not dismiss South East Asia as just another tourist mecca just yet. This jaw-droppingly gorgeous region has managed to hide a few untouched gems away from the tourist radar. So, travel smart and discover a whole new side of South East Asia at these seven offbeat, lesser-known treasures –

1. Kapas Island, Malaysia

Malaysia, Malaysia Travel Package

© fairuz othman / Flickr

The Malaysians have very successfully managed to keep the surreal Kapas Island hidden from the world. This tiny island is only 2km long and 1km wide but that’s more than enough when all you have on your agenda is relaxation and some more relaxation. Water babies can rent snorkeling gear for as cheap as USD2.5 per day. Dive in!

2. Sumatra, Indonesia

indonesia, bali travel package

Although Bali is breathtakingly beautiful, it can also get frustratingly crowded with honeymooners and tourists. So why not visit its low-key island neighbor, Sumatra? This lush emerald island is bedecked with two crystal clear fresh water lakes, Lake Toba and Lake Meninjau, right in the middle of a volcanic crater! Give yourself a workout with a trek in the jungles, and you’ll end up bumping into the friendly long-armed orangutans. When you head to the beach, you’re likely to have just palm trees and the susurrus waves for company. Nothing short of paradise, no?

3. Bai Xep, Vietnam

Vietnam, Vietnam Travel Package, Vietnam Tourism

© Jen Aarstein Holms / Flickr

At the remote fishing village of Bai Xep, there’s not much to do beside the ‘chilling on the beach’, drowning in beer, and demolishing fresh seafood. It’s the best place to get a taste of the real Vietnam minus tourists. And if you must do something, there are waterfalls to discover, fishing trips to take, and authentic Vietnamese cuisine to be learnt. This is the ultimate beach life, we tell you!

4. Taal Volcano, Philippines


© Ray in Manila / Flickr

Taal Volcano is nothing like the volcanos you’ve seen or will see in your life. The smallest active volcano in the world, it is set on an island in the midst of a lake on the island of Luzon! Although an active volcano, it is safe for trekking. Mind you, it’s rather hot, humid and dusty, come well prepared for the adventure of a lifetime.

5. Raja Ampat Islands, Indonesia


© Max Mossler / Flickr

The sparsely populated Raja Ampat Islands is full of treasures, and most of them are found deep in underwater. These marvelous islands boast of three-quarters of the world’s coral varieties! Underwater enthusiasts, you know where to go on your next trip. That’s not all, the island is generously blessed with thick jungles, hidden lagoons and secret caves!

6. Koh Kut, Thailand

Thailand, Thailand Travel Packages

© momo / Flickr

To call Koh Kut a tropical paradise would be understating it. This Thai island is almost untouched by tourism barring a couple of luxury resorts that have cropped up in the past few years. Even then, there’s a remote chance that you’ll bump into fellow travellers. Stunning waterfalls tucked in the nooks of forests, powdery white beaches, and the alluring charms of the laidback Thai island life, will make you fall head over heels for Koh Kut.

7. Hsipaw, Myanmar

Myanmar Travel Package, Myanmar

© Maxim Malkov / Flickr

The exotic Myanmar may have become the new travel hotspot, with throngs of curious tourists flocking the spectacular Bagan temples. But deep in its countryside, you can still get up, close and personal with the fascinating Shan culture. Head to the quaint villages around Hsipaw, where lush farmlands, waterfalls, simple countryside hospitality await.

So book your flights on EMI and explore one of the best offbeat places in South East Asia.


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