Who doesn’t love a good quote? In fact, quoting will usually make you look erudite. Looks like people have taken quoting, nay spamming us, with travel quotes very seriously. Now, don’t get us wrong, most of these quotes have inspired us too. But they kind of lose their shine when repeated often. Sadly, they make the quoter look like a wannabe, no matter the sincerity of his emotions. Please, let’s take a break from our favorite cliched travel quotes. Heck, let’s come up with some of our own. After all, how long do we want to continue using and re-using “The mountains are calling and I must go”! So, here are a bunch of cliched quotes, beautiful as they are, we think you should stop using.

Now, this one is an all-time favorite and is often inserted with a picture of a beautiful location taken from a window or door or tent or balcony. How original!

Here’s another classic. Let’s admit it, we’ve all used once.

And this one too! A lot many times. Lao Tzu must be turning in his grave seeing his quote getting used and abused.

These ones fit in perfectly to sound profound and wise.

While we are being profound, we must make sure to distinguish ourselves as travelers and not tourists.

We can’t miss the ones on traveling as education. Obviously.

This one sounds more romantic in quotes, no? Getting lost in a foreign country where you don’t speak the local language can be pretty scary, especially in the night.

Overused and how!

And, of course, we are all born to travel.

Somehow, our bank accounts tend to disagree with these ones.

We can’t be partial to mountains. Gotta express some sea love.

This one is loved by frequent travelers.

Agreed. Seeing is believing but quoting it too many times. Not so cool.

Guys, we all loved Eat, Pray, Love. But not every journey is about discovering ourselves. Some are just for fun!

The next time your post a pretty photo on Instagram, come up with a new quote or your own one. What say?


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