Few countries love food as much as Singapore. Singaporeans don’t just love their food; they live to eat. In fact, here, eating is a national pastime and food the national obsession. Ethnically diverse, Singapore’s legendary cuisine is influenced by the Malay, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Peranakan, Thai and even Western cuisines. From sophisticated Michelin-star restaurants to traditional hawker stalls, Singapore never fails to surprise and impress! In Singapore, you don’t need a Yelp or Zomato; walk in any direction and delectable food awaits. With so many choices, we’ve summed up 15 Singaporean dishes that are available across hawker stalls, food courts in malls, as well as restaurants and are guaranteed to satiate every foodie’s taste buds.
Welcome to the Island of Gastronomy!

1. Singapore Chilli Crab

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The famed Singapore Chili Crab © Dekuf / Flickr

Local legend goes that this iconic dish was created in 1956 by Madam Cher Yam Tian, who used to sell mud crabs with a sweet and spicy tomato sauce on a humble pushcart along Kallang River. These mouth-watering crabs were an instant hit and went on to become so popular that Madam Cher was able to open a restaurant called Palm Beach, that continues to serve the original Singapore Chilli Crab. Today, this sweet, spicy, and tangy dish has become synonymous with Singapore’s culinary heritage.

2. Hainanese Chicken Rice

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Singapore’s National Dish, Hainanese Chinese Rice © Madeline Deaton / Flickr

While Chilli Crabs may have given Singapore its culinary fame, it’s the simple and delectable staple of Chicken Rice that is its national dish. Such is the love for this lunchtime favorite, that Singaporeans don’t mind waiting in long queues even on workdays, just to dig in some Chicken Rice. Consisting of fluffy rice topped with steamed chicken in a fragrant gingery-garlicky stock, it’s the simplicity of this dish that wins the heart. The most popular versions of this dish are found at hawker stalls in Chinatown.

3. Kaya Toast and Kopi

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Kaya Toast © T Tseng / Flickr

Throughout Singapore, you will come across hundreds of kopitiams (traditional coffee shops) where Singaporeans grab their staple breakfast of Kaya Toast and some much-required kopi(coffee) before heading for work. This popular breakfast consists of Kaya, a sweet coconut egg jam, generously smothered over buttered toast. It is often served along with half boiled eggs sprinkled with soy sauce and white pepper. Vegetarians can head to restaurants like Gokul or Blue Bistro to try eggless kaya toast.

4. Bak Kut Teh

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Bak Kut Teh © Charles Haynes / Flickr

If a heavy and filling breakfast is what you crave then you must try another Singaporean street food classic – Bak Kut Teh. Although literally translating to ‘meat bone tea’, the dish itself is not made from tea of any kind. It gets its name from the strong tea that is often consumed along with this breakfast staple. Bak Kut Teh is a slow cooked pork rib soup infused with Chinese herbs, spices, and soy sauce that is eaten with rice. For the diet-conscious, Bak Kut Teh also comes in a less-fatty version made from chicken.

5. Hokkien Mee

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Hokkien Mee © Chensiyuan / Wikicommons

Sometimes all you need is a soul-satisfying bowl of noodles to get you through the day and Singapore has dished out the most perfect version of it! A hawker stall favorite, Hokkien Mee is made up of egg noodles stir fried in soy sauce, vinegar, chilli, eggs and adorned with prawn, squid, fish cakes, and bits of chicken / pork. Each serving is accompanied with sambal sauce and a lime wedge. Although traditionally a meat packed dish, you can find vegetarian versions Hokkien Mee or other types of fried noodles in quite a few restaurants and hawker stalls.

6. Char Kway Teow?

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Char Kway Teow © alexiss / Flickr

Along with Hokkien Mee, Char Kway Teow is another popular hawker stall fried noodle dish. Don’t judge this dish by its messy, unpretentious appearance. It’s a delicious mishmash of flat rice noodles, bean sprouts, cockles, Chinese pork sausages and prawns tossed together in a sweet dark sauce. Although artery-clogging, Singaporeans can’t live without a regular dose of these deliciously greasy noodles.

7. Carrot Cake – Chai Tow Kway

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Carrot Cake or as the call it, Chai Tow Kway ©Jimmy Tan / Flickr

Singapore’s carrot cake is nothing like its western version; it is neither sweet nor is it made up of carrots. This savory Singaporean specialty is made by combining shreds of daikon radish and rice flour to form rice cakes that are steamed and fried with eggs, garlic, and pickled radish. Soft yet wonderfully crispy this snack is easily found at most hawker stalls.

8. Laksa

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The ultimate comfort food, Laksa © Jimmy Tan / Flickr

Laksa, a Chinese-Malay concoction of noodle soup, is the ultimate demonstration of comfort in a bowl. This bright orange colored noodle broth is flavored with sambal chilies, coconut milk, lemongrass, and ginger and topped with prawns, fish cakes, and pork / chicken. At the first bite itself, this broth bursts into a variety of delectable flavors – spicy, tangy, and creamy, all beautifully married together. Vegetarians, fret not. Laksa is easily available in veggie versions. Slurp away, folks!

9. Fish Head Curry

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Fish Head Curry © Douglas La Moine / Flickr

Truly Singaporean in nature, this scintillating stew brings together Indian curry with a Chinese delicacy, the fish head. According to popular urban tale, an innovative chef at a small Indian restaurant created this dish to please Chinese customers who loved fish head. Since then, this fiery red Fish Head Curry is served in most Indian, Chinese, Malay, and Peranakan restaurants, each serving its own version.

10. Barbecued Stingray

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Barbecued Stingray © Malcolm Moore / Flickr

Singaporeans love to pig out on barbecues and no proper Singaporean barbecue is complete without the perennial favorite – stingray. This local delight is made by slathering the stingray with spicy sambal sauce, wrapping it in banana leaves and then grilling it on the barbecue. The hot and spicy flavors of the Sambal sauce makes it the perfect topping for the tender stingray. A must-have, indeed!

11. Ice Cream Sandwich

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Ice Cream Sandwich © Justine Espineuva / Flickr

This one of a kind ice cream sandwich is Singapore’s way of deliciously dealing with the tropical heat. This unique snack is made by sandwiching ice cream between a soft slice of rainbow colored pandan bread. You can find plenty of ice cream sandwich vendors all along the famed Orchard Road. Go on, live a little and treat yourself with some ice cream!

12. Oyster Omelette

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Oyster Omelette © LWYang / Flickr

Often considered as an acquired taste, oyster omelettes are widely loved across Singapore. This local specialty is made by mixing oysters in an omelette batter thickened with potato starch and then cooked on a hot skillet until crispy. It is garnished with chili sauce and coriander. The contrasting textures of the soft oyster and crispy omelette is a treat for the tastebuds.

13. Rojak

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Rojak © Alpha / Flickr

Just like Singapore, Rojak is a mélange of textures and flavors. Literally translating to ‘mixtures’, this hotchpotch of a dish combines together crunchy fruits and vegetables tossed in a shrimp paste (can be opted out for a veggie version) and palm sugar sauce and garnished with crushed peanuts. It both sounds and looks suspicious but tuck into this salad of sorts and you’ll be dazzled by its sweet and salty flavor.

14. Curry Puffs

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Curry Puffs © Alpha / Flickr

Fantastically crispy and golden, Curry Puffs are crescent-shaped miniature pies featuring a curry filling enclosed within short crust pastry. Either baked or deep-friend, the most popular fillings for curry puffs include vegetables, potato, chicken, tuna, and crab making them perfect for vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians. With most people having a go-to place for these little parcels of delight, Curry Puffs are undeniably Singapore’s most loved mid-day snack.

15. Frog Porridge

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Frog Porridge © huixuan / Flickr

Yes, you read it right! This Singaporean dish is meant only for the daring and gutsy. Served with rice porridge, this eccentric dish is cooked in various styles incorporating onions, ginger and chilies, and is usually eaten as a dinnertime meal. Singapore’s Geylang district is famous for this local treasure.

So, forget your diet and leave your skinny jeans at home and explore some of the best dishes to try in Singapore.


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