Since early this year, most of the countries have been on lockdown in an effort to try and slow the spread of the coronavirus. With travel bans and lockdowns, it’s been a long and hard journey thus far. Now, the GOOD NEWS is, after such intense measures, countries are beginning to reopen in phases to slowly return to normalcy. Naturally, with restrictions and travel bans lifting, we all are anxious to either get back to business or getaway for a while. But at the same time, it is essential that we are aware and safe during our travels whether domestic or international. With that in mind, there are some things you should know when traveling post lockdown.

For all of us travelling is a lively activity and the experiences are very close to our hearts. We all like to plan extensively about our travels and make elaborate preparations to make it a memorable experience. So, if you are planning a trip soon, here are 10 things to keep in mind while travelling to guarantee your well-being and others’.

1. Updating your packing essentials

As you list out the things to pack during travelling, you’ll have to add a few new things to the top now. Your list should include a hand sanitizer (with more than 60% alcohol content), disinfectant wipes, tissues, gloves and a few face masks. These items can help you maintain a certain level of hygiene and prevent contact with disease-causing droplets.
Note: Wear a mask whenever you step out of your house/hotel room. It’s not just for your safety but for others’ too.

2. Maintaining social-distance


Social distancing is real and we all need to follow it for “real”. Stand 3-6 feet away from people in check-in, security or immigration queues. While travelling by air or rail, avoid walking around, unless necessary. You’ll need to avoid crowded places. So, opt for offbeat destinations while you plan your travel itinerary.

3. Be mindful of what you touch

It’s important to be mindful when using devices or touching surfaces that others have used too, such as ATMs, check-in machines, escalators, lift buttons etc. Use sanitizers whenever you touch any of these surfaces and be careful not to touch your face or anywhere on your body.  Similarly, be mindful of your own items, such as phones and wallets. Your phone is constantly being handled (without you paying much attention to what you’ve touched before). So, wiping it down with a disinfectant tissue a couple of times a day needs to be added in your regular routine.
At the same time, whenever you are back in your room, make sure to take a complete bath and wear fresh clothes (wash your clothes in case you want to re-wear them in your journey further).

4. Prefer bottled water and be aware of your food

When you are travelling to unknown places, you can’t be 100% sure of the quality or purity of food and water. So, it’s advisable to carry your own bottle of water or prefer bottled water. Also, avoid eating any product which is left exposed for a long time. Prefer eating freshly cooked meals.
But, remember to wash your hands (soap and water works best) or sanitize them before eating.

5. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth frequently

Even though wearing a mask is essential, but it won’t protect you from the infection altogether. You need to also keep in mind not to touch your eyes, mouth, nose or even your mask with unwashed hands.

6. Wipe down your surroundings

While taking your seat do a quick scrub down of the hard surfaces around you with disinfectant wipes. The back of the seat in front of you, the seat flap, the tray table, the arm rests, are all surfaces where infectious respiratory droplets can remain alive. Do not use wipes on soft surfaces, such as upholstery which would leave an uncomfortable wet seat and spread the germs out further.
There’s one thing to notice that the coronavirus will not directly infect you from such surfaces, only when you come in contact with such surface and then touch your face, or eat it enters your body. So, point 5 is something we all need to practice as a habit.

7. Be Responsible

If you must sneeze or cough, use proper handkerchiefs, or cough into your elbow and not in your hands. That way you can protect people around you. You may unknowingly be immune to a virus but others may not. If you’re feeling unwell and show any symptoms of the disease, seek medical attention immediately. Act responsibly because it’s not just about one person anymore.

8. Be Aware of the Travel Restrictions

All countries and states might have different guidelines for opening up their borders to travellers. So, to avoid any surprises after landing, it’s best to do a thorough research regarding the regulations of your destination.

9. Choose your place of stay carefully

It is important to choose a place of stay which adheres to the safety protocols. You might have to shed out a bit more for your stays than you used to but nothing is more important than your health. Check the reviews, call them to raise your concerns, opt for online check-in(s)…research is the key!

10. Stay healthy

Last but not the least, keep your body healthy. Eating healthy and maintaining proper hygiene is utmost important. Getting sick, especially during travelling is that last thing you want. Also, carry the important meds in your travel kit, just in case you need them.

Most of the things mentioned above are something we’ve been taught to follow since childhood but have hardly practiced it in our regular times. But times now are different. We can’t neglect these simple steps as it may not only keep you healthy but also others around you. So, keep these things in mind while travelling anywhere post lockdown for a ‘healthy tomorrow’.

Safe Travels!


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