There are deserts, and then there’s Namib desert. Stretching from the Atlantic Coast to the entire western section of Namibia and beyond it into Angola and South Africa, it is the world’s oldest desert. Home to perhaps the most extreme desert landscapes in the world, this vast, inhospitable desert has been around for at least 55 million years. Despite the extremes, this desert is breathtakingly beautiful. It’s tall orange sand dunes are contrasted by white mineral planes, red rocky outcrops, and the azure Atlantic Ocean. Here are 10 photos that will set you wanderlusting to explore this nature’s marvel.
Namib desert is home to the highest sand dunes in the world with some of them as high as 1,280 feet that can be seen from outer space!
It is the only desert in the world home to large mammals such as elephants, lions, rhinos, and giraffes!
It is also the only desert where endemic plants and animals have evolved even in barren dunes.

The Fish River Canyon in the Namib Desert is the oldest as well as the second largest canyon in the world. It was formed over 500 million years ago because of the collapse of the valley floor and later due to wind and water erosion.
The iconic Dead Vler, once a lively pool formed by the Tsauchab River flood that is now parched, surrounded by enormous flaming dunes.
The best way to appreciate the desert’s bewitching beauty, especially the area where it meets the Atlantic Ocean, is from up in the air.